What is Enterprise API and how to use it


Enterprise API is an Interface for integrating Ajax products with third-party services and apps. With Enterprise API, the company can control Ajax security systems through its services and apps and ensure the interaction of our devices with third-party equipment.

The Ajax system data can be used for analytics and cost optimization by businesses and customers. Integration with CRM systems and billing procedures is feasible along with implementing additional services: means of operative communication of the customer with the operator, personal protection services, and automation of routine operations.

The Enterprise API allowed you to handle all the security information available in the Ajax applications and managed security system devices and settings:

Information Possibilities
  • Parameters and settings of the hub that manages the system and devices connected to it.
  • Rooms and security groups.
  • Security system users and their rights.
  • Events feed.
  • The security mode of the security system.
  • The states of power management devices.
  • The streams of surveillance cameras.
  • Manage control panel and devices settings
  • Manage rooms and security areas
  • Manage users and their permissions
  • Change security system mode
  • Control power management devices
  • Manage cameras and retrieve camera streams
  • Manage automation scenarios

API (application programming interface) is a software interface offering a service to other pieces of software. A document or standard that describes how to build such a connection or interface is called an API specification. In short, API it’s a set of rules that lets programs share data and functionality across the internet in a consistent format.

Who can access the Enterprise API

We provide access to the Enterprise API to extensive security and service companies already serving or planning to serve thousands of Ajax security systems. Such companies have developed IT infrastructure and resources to ensure the integration of our products and understand that the company accepts responsibility for providing a positive experience associated with the Ajax security systems.

What I need to know before start

Enterprise API architecture uses server-to-server communication. Server-to-server (S2S) is an extension of the client-server computer network protocol design, where servers directly exchange data with other servers.

There are two parts of the integration process with the Enterprise API:

  1. Establishing synchronous communication with the Ajax Cloud.
    Synchronous API calls allow you to control the Ajax security systems and modify its settings. In the case of synchronous communication, Enterprise API returns data for requests either immediately or at a later time, respectively. Therefore, your server requests data and waits for it until a value is returned.
  2. Implementing asynchronous workflows with Amazon SQS. Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a distributed message-queuing service supporting the programmatic sending and receiving messages via web service applications. Follow this link to learn more.

Asynchronous requests are used to retrieve security system events from the Amazon SQS, which is part of the Enterprise API architecture.

The diagram below illustrates how the partner environment interacts with Ajax Cloud via Enterprise API.

Once there is an event notification generated by the registered security system, it is immediately available for retrieving from the Ajax integration SQS queues.

With the Amazon SQS API and Amazon SDKs, you can configure your API client to initiate calls for receiving new messages only when they are ready, eliminating unnecessary API requests. Therefore, it does not tie up your application or server resources waiting on a request.

Software Development Kit (SDK) is a set of software tools and programs used by developers to create apps. SDK tools will consist of various things, including libraries, documentation, code samples, processes, and guides that developers can use and integrate into their own apps.

How to start to use Enterprise API

Request access

Required information, technical documents, and access to the Enterprise API interface are available upon request of the security or service company. If you are interested in making the most of the features of the Ajax products, fill out the form.

Save your Enterprise API and AWS access keys

Once your request has been approved, you’ll receive the following credentials in an email message from our team:

  • Ajax’s integration ID. This is an automatically generated unique identifier of your API account. It is also used in your Enterprise API key and events queue name.
  • X-API-Key. This is a unique identifier that you will use to authenticate all requests to the Enterprise API.
  • AWS access key ID. This key is used to sign the requests you send to Amazon SQS.
  • AWS secret access key. Access Key ID and AWS secret access key are used for programmatic (API) access to Amazon SQS.
  • Events queue. This is the name of your Events queue. It is used for storing alerts and events of the Ajax security system.
  • API Endpoint. This is essentially a base URL to which the Enterprise API endpoint paths are appended.

Please, keep this data secure. Don’t disclose your credentials to anyone. Sharing your account credentials with other people make your account more vulnerable to sniffing/phishing attempts.

Set up your access and make your first request

First, you need to log in to the Enterprise API by calling this API endpoint. After this, to start work with the Ajax security system, you need to add it to your Ajax account. Once you have access to the security system, you are ready to use the Enterprise API.

Please note that PRO accounts (if you use Ajax PRO or PRO Desktop apps) are not supported. You can send API requests only with a user account (if you use Ajax Security System app).

Synchronous calls in ​​Enterprise API

Synchronous Enterprise API calls are organized around REST. They have predictable resource-oriented URLs, accept form-encoded and raw request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses. It uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs. A list of the Enterprise API calls is available here.

REST API stands for Representational State Transfer. This is an architectural pattern that describes how distributed systems can expose a consistent interface.

The documentation shows the HTTP method, path, resource, and parameters appended to the base URL (API Endpoint) to form a request.

The following HTTP methods (verbs) are available:

  • GET. Uses for retrieving resources.
  • POST​. Uses for creating resources.
  • PUT. Uses for replacing resources or entire collections. Fields will be replaced with given values. Any fields without given values will be reset to their default. Any fields without defaults, for example, ID fields, will remain unchanged.
  • DELETE​. Uses for deleting resources.

Authentication in Enterprise API

Enterprise API uses X-API-Key and Session Token to authenticate requests. A session token is produced after successful login and should be used for all consequent user-initiated operations.

A session token expires in 15 minutes. Refresh operation (/refresh) should be used when the session token has expired. It allows keeping the user session authenticated for a more extended period without re-login. The operation should be performed with a long-lived (30 days) refresh token with /login response. The server responds with a new session token and refresh token and invalidates the old pair. If the session token is still valid, it becomes invalidated after the refresh. Use this API call to refresh the session token.

If you do not include your API key and session token when making an API request or use incorrect or outdated ones, the Ajax Cloud server will return an error.

Enterprise API requests should be sent over HTTPS. Calls over HTTP are not supported, as well as requests without authentication.

Rate limits in Enterprise API

Ajax Cloud server has rate limits to maintain performance and stability for all Enterprise API clients.

API endpoints have a limit of 100 API calls per minute for a single API key. Be aware of this limitation when you are running any batch process against the API. If you reach a rate limit, the Ajax Cloud server will respond with a 429 status code (Too many requests).

Errors in Enterprise API

Enterprise API uses HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error (e.g., omitted required parameter, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with the Ajax Cloud server.

List of possible errors:

Response code Description Comment
400 Bad request. Failed to parse JSON body.
404 Not found. No entity was found.
422 Unprocessable entity. Invalid incoming parameters.
429 Too many requests. Requests rate limit exceeded.
500 Internal server error. Errors on the Ajax Cloud server or during communication to the underlying service.
504 Gateway timeout. A request to the Ajax Cloud server failed by timeout, inaccessibility of the security system (hub is offline), or any other similar reason.

Every error response should be a valid JSON object, predefined structure, and application/JSON type. Please, find below an example of an error response body:


    “message”: “Validation Failed”,

    “errors”: [{

            “resource”: “User”,

            “field”: “name”,

            “code”: “missing_field”



    “messageId”: “4d42a276-2a2e-428f-a923-da7d9d49707f”


Response object specification:

Field Description
message Text error message.
errors List of errors specific to the request.
messageId Unique message identifier that allows finding exception info in logs.

Error object specification:

Field Description
resource Name of the resource where the error has occurred (user, hub, room, etc.)
field Name of the invalid field
code Error code (the specification is enclosed)

Error code specification:

Error code Description
missing_field A required field has not been set.
missing A resource does not exist.
already_exists Another resource has the same value. This can happen with resources that must have some unique key (such as Label names).
invalid The formatting is invalid. Refer to the resource documentation for more specific information.

Asynchronous calls

One of the essential parts of the Enterprise API architecture is Amazon SQS. We use it for sending Ajax security system events to the partners’ servers.

Amazon SQS is a message queuing service that decouples the components of a cloud application. It can transmit any volume of data, at any level of throughput, without losing messages or requiring other services to be always available. That is, you can retrieve event messages from SQS asynchronously at your system or application pace. SQS is built on the concept of a Point-to-Point intersystem messaging model. SQS provides a simple HTTP API that is easy to implement using the AWS SDKs.

Point to Point is when a message(s) is sent from one app (producer or sender) to another (consumer/receiver) via a queue. There can be more than one consumer listening to a queue, but only one of them will get the message. Hence, it is Point to Point or One to One.

SQS mechanics

Ajax Events queue is implemented as SQS FIFO type queue. The order in which events messages are sent by the Ajax Cloud server and received by the Partner server is strictly preserved. It is crucial for forming a coherent series of events generated by the Ajax security system devices.

FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queues are designed to enhance messaging between apps when the order of operations and events is critical, or duplicates can’t be tolerated.

Learn more

To retrieve messages from the SQS queue, you need to poll them. AWS SQS is a poll-based service, that’s meaning SQS will not send messages to your app. Thus, your app needs to poll messages from the SQS queue.

There are two types of polling mechanisms supported by Amazon SQS for consuming messages: Short Polling and Long Polling.

While the regular short polling returns immediately, long polling does not return a response until a message arrives in the message queue, or the long poll times out. The maximum value of a long-poll timeout is 20 seconds. AWS SDKs work with 20-second long polls by default.

Long polling is preferred to use. Long polling requests let you receive messages promptly and, at the same time, reduce the number of empty responses returned.

But there might be exceptions. E.g., if your app uses a single thread to poll both Ajax events and any other queue. In this case, long polling will not be the best choice since it can delay processing another queue that might contain messages. In such cases, it is recommended to use a single thread for processing each queue.

Accessing SQS

Amazon SQS requires credentials to authenticate your requests. Use your access keys (AWS access key ID and AWS secret access key) to access the SQS through SDK or AWS CLI.

To send events to the SQS queue, log in to the Enterprise API and add the hub to your account via the Ajax app. Also, you can add the hub by initiating create a hub to user binding API call.

Ajax’s events queue is available in Europe (Ireland) AWS infrastructure region. The code of the region is eu-west-1.

Receiving messages

Amazon SQS does not automatically delete the message. It means that after receiving the message, it remains in the queue. Thus, you must delete the message during a visibility timeout parameter from the queue after receiving and processing. The default visibility timeout for the Ajax events queue is 30 seconds.

If your system does not call the DeleteMessage action before the visibility timeout expires, this message becomes available for retrieving and is received again. Please, note, as long as you do not delete the earlier message, subsequent ones will not be delivered.

To send a receive message request, initiate the ReceiveMessage API action. Follow these links for detailed information:

To send a delete message request, initiate the DeleteMessage API action. Follow these links for detailed information:

Data transfer model

Event messages in Ajax events queue have application/json type. Please, find an example below:

  “event” : {

    “eventId” : “AAV-nQAAAXq5QEgZ”,

    “hubId” : “00057E9D”,

    “hubName” : “Hub2”,

    “eventType” : “ALARM”,

    “eventCode” : “M_18_20”,

    “sourceObjectType” : “MOTION_CAM_OUTDOOR”,

    “sourceObjectId” : “007A1C82”,

    “sourceObjectName” : “MotionCamOutdoor”,

    “sourceRoomId” : “00000001”,

    “sourceRoomName” : “Terrace”,

    “timestamp” : 1626605635609,

    “additionalData” : null


The event specification:

Field Description
eventId A unique event identifier.
hubId ID (serial number) of the hub. Also indicated on the device box, circuit board, and QR code under the SmartBracket panel.
hubName Hub name.
eventType Event type.
eventCode Event code. Go to Event codes chapter for details.
sourceObjectType Event source.
sourceObjectId ID of the event source.
sourceObjectName User-defined name of the event source.
sourceRoomId ID of the room that contains the event source object. It can be null if the event source is not associated with the room (e.g., user or hub).
sourceRoomName Name of the room that contains the event source object.
timestamp Date and time of the event in Unix Epoch format.
additionalData An object that can contain additional info (device malfunctions, panic button coordinates, or photo verification resource description).

Event type specification.

Event type code Description
ALARM Sent in the case of intrusion, fire, flood, and loss of communication between the hub and the Ajax Cloud server.
ALARM_RECOVERED Sent when the alarm is recovered.
MALFUNCTION Sent in the case of jamming, loss of communication between the hub and the device, low battery charge of the device or hub as well as attempts to sabotage the system (masking or tampering alarm).
FUNCTION_RECOVERED Sent when the malfunction is recovered.
SECURITY Sent when the security mode is changed and the Night Mode is enabled/disabled.
COMMON Sent in the case of events of WallSwitch, Relay, Socket.
USER Sent when the user is added or removed.
LIFECYCLE Sent when the device or room is added or removed.

The event data transfer models are also defined on the Ajax API page in the Models section.

Code examples of retrieving messages from Amazon SQS

This paragraph provides examples of subscribing to Amazon SQS using AWS SDK for Java and Amazon SQS Java Messaging Library (JMS). To build and run these examples, you need Apache Maven v3.0 and higher, as well as Java SE Development Kit.

Example of building the message receiver application using AWS Java library for Amazon SQS

To do this:

  1. Import the latest library to your project from the Maven repository. You might also need to add the aws-java-sdk-core library as a dependency either.
    <!– https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-sqs –><dependency>    <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId>    <artifactId>aws-java-sdk-sqs</artifactId>    <version>_version_</version></dependency>
  2. Import this code snippet to your project to start receiving messages.
    public class TestMessageReceiver {    public static void main(String[] args) {        String region = “eu-west-1”;        // TODO: Specify correct SQS queue name        String queueName = “ajax-<name>-events-demo.fifo”;         // Creating credentials from accessKey/secretKey pair        // Use accessKey/secretKey values provided by AJAX Team        BasicAWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(                “accessKey”,                “secretKey”        );         AWSStaticCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials);        AmazonSQS sqs = AmazonSQSClientBuilder.standard()                .withCredentials(credentialsProvider)                .withRegion(region)                .build();         // Getting queueUrl to connect        String queueUrl = sqs.getQueueUrl(queueName).getQueueUrl();        while (true) {            ReceiveMessageRequest receiveRequest = new ReceiveMessageRequest(queueUrl)                    .withMaxNumberOfMessages(10)                    .withWaitTimeSeconds(20);             List<Message> messages = sqs.receiveMessage(receiveRequest).getMessages();             if (messages.isEmpty()) {                continue;            }             System.out.println(“Received messages: “ + messages);             // Deleting received and processed messages from the queue            List<DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry> deleteEntries = messages.stream()                    .map(message -> new DeleteMessageBatchRequestEntry(message.getMessageId(), message.getReceiptHandle()))                    .collect(Collectors.toList());             DeleteMessageBatchRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteMessageBatchRequest(queueUrl)                    .withEntries(deleteEntries);            List<BatchResultErrorEntry> failed = sqs.deleteMessageBatch(deleteRequest).getFailed();             // Checking if there is any issue with deleting messages            if (!failed.isEmpty()) {                System.out.println(“Failed to delete next messages: “ + failed);            } else {                System.out.println(“Successfully deleted all the messages.”);            }        }    }}
  3. Run your app to start. Additionally, please find below a code snippet that transforms the JSON payload into the Java object.
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()        .configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); sqs.receiveMessage(receiveRequest).getMessages().forEach(message -> {    try {        IntegrationEvent event = objectMapper.readValue(message.getBody(), IntegrationEvent.class);        System.out.println(“Received event: “ + event);    } catch (Exception e) {        System.out.println(“Failed to process message “ + e);    }});

Example of building the message receiver application using the Amazon SQS JMS library

To do this:

  1. Import the latest library to your project from the Maven repository. You might also need to add the aws-java-sdk-core library as a dependency either.
    <!– https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.amazonaws/amazon-sqs-java-messaging-lib –><dependency>    <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId>    <artifactId>amazon-sqs-java-messaging-lib</artifactId>    <version>_version_</version></dependency>
  2. Import this code snippet to your project to start receiving messages.
    public class TestJmsMessageReceiver {    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        String region = “eu-west-1”;        // TODO: Specify correct queue name        String queueName = “ajax-<name>-events-demo.fifo”;         // Creating credentials from accessKey/secretKey pair        // Use accessKey/secretKey values provided by AJAX Team        BasicAWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(                “accessKey”,                “accessKey”        );        AWSStaticCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials);        SQSConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new SQSConnectionFactory(                new ProviderConfiguration(),                AmazonSQSClientBuilder.standard()                        .withCredentials(credentialsProvider)                        .withRegion(region)        );         SQSConnection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();        Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);        Queue queue = session.createQueue(queueName);        MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue);         consumer.setMessageListener(message -> System.out.println(“Received message: “ + message));         connection.start();    }}
  3. Run your app to start. Additionally, please find below a code snippet that transforms the JSON payload into the Java object.
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()        .configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); consumer.setMessageListener(message -> {    try {        if (message instanceof TextMessage) {            String payload = ((TextMessage) message).getText();            IntegrationEvent event = objectMapper.readValue(payload, IntegrationEvent.class);                         System.out.println(“Received event: “ + event);        }    } catch (Exception e) {        System.out.println(“Failed to process message “ + e);    } });

Event codes

Please, find below examples of event codes translation for English localization in JSON format. Note, we can provide translations in a big variety of languages and formats. Contact your Ajax manager for futher support.

Example: “M_01_20”: “%3$s: open, %1$s in %2$s”,


  • M — signal type. The static parameter.
  • 01 — device type. Learn more in Device Type.
  • 20 — event signal “open”. The description is contained in each event.
  • %3 — hub name.
  • %1 — event source object name (e.g., detector name).
  • %2 — event room name.
Keys Description
M_21_00 %1$s: external power disconnected
M_21_01 %1$s: external power restored
M_21_02 %1$s: battery low
M_21_03 %1$s: battery charged
M_21_04 %1$s: hub lid is open
M_21_05 %1$s: hub lid is closed
M_21_06 %1$s: cellular signal strength is poor
M_21_07 %1$s: cellular signal strength is OK
M_21_08 %1$s: high level of interference at Jeweller frequencies
M_21_09 %1$s: interference level at Jeweller frequencies is OK
M_21_0A %1$s: hub is offline. Check the network connection.
M_21_0B %1$s: hub is online again
M_21_0C %1$s was switched off
M_ABS_00 %3$s: lid is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_01 %3$s: lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_02 %3$s: battery charge is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_03 %3$s: low battery, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_04 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s is offline. Connection via Jeweller channel lost.
M_ABS_05 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s is online again. Connection via Jeweller channel restored.
M_ABS_06 %3$s: synchronization failure, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_07 %3$s: synchronization OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_01_20 %3$s: opening detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_01_21 %3$s: closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_01_22 %3$s: external contact is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_01_23 %3$s: external contact closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_02_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_02_21 %3$s: no motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_04_20 %3$s: glass break detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_04_21 %3$s: glass break detected (low frequency), %1$s in %2$s
M_04_22 %3$s: external contact is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_04_23 %3$s: external contact closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_05_20 %3$s: leakage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_05_21 %3$s: no leakage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_05_22 %3$s: %1$s moved in %2$s
M_03_20 %3$s: smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_21 %3$s: no smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_22 %3$s: temperature above the threshold value, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_23 %3$s: temperature level is back to normal, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_24 %3$s: hardware failure, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_25 %3$s: reset after hardware failure, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_26 %3$s: smoke chamber dirty, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_27 %3$s: smoke chamber clean, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_28 %3$s: reserve battery low, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_29 %3$s: reserve battery charged, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_20 %3$s: smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_21 %3$s: no smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_22 %3$s: temperature above the threshold value, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_23 %3$s: temperature level is back to normal, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_24 %3$s: hardware failure, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_25 %3$s: reset after hardware failure, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_26 %3$s: smoke chamber dirty, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_27 %3$s: smoke chamber clean, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_28 %3$s: reserve battery low, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_29 %3$s: reserve battery charged, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_30 %3$s: carbon monoxide (СО) detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_31 %3$s: carbon monoxide (CO) level is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_08_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_08_21 %3$s: glass break detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_0B_20 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_0B_21 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_0B_22 %3$s: night mode activated using %1$s
M_0B_23 %3$s: panic button pressed on %1$s
M_22_00 %3$s: disarmed by %1$s
M_22_01 %3$s: armed by %1$s
M_22_02 %3$s: night mode activated by %1$s
M_22_03 %3$s: %1$s pressed the panic button
M_14_20 %3$s: device was moved, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_20 %3$s: overheating shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_21 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_22 %3$s: switched on, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_23 %3$s: switched off, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_25 %3$s: overcurrent shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_26 %3$s: overcurrent shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_27 %3$s: current is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_28 %3$s: overvoltage shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_29 %3$s: low voltage shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_2A %3$s: voltage is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_20 %3$s: overheating shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_21 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_22 %3$s: switched on, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_23 %3$s: switched off, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_24 %3$s: failed to switch off %1$s in %2$s. The device may have malfunctioned. Please contact the support service.
M_1F_25 %3$s: overcurrent shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_26 %3$s: overcurrent shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_27 %3$s: current is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_28 %3$s: overvoltage shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_29 %3$s: low voltage shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_2A %3$s: voltage is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_21_10 %1$s: updating firmware…
M_21_11 %1$s: firmware updated
M_03_2A %3$s: rapid temperature rise detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_2B %3$s: rapid temperature rise stopped, %1$s in %2$s
M_0B_02 %3$s: %1$s battery charge is OK
M_0B_03 %3$s: low battery charge, %1$s
M_14_21 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_14_22 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_2A %3$s: rapid temperature rise detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_2B %3$s: rapid temperature rise stopped, %1$s in %2$s
M_07_20 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_07_21 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_0E_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_0E_21 %3$s: no motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_2C %3$s: not responding, %1$s in %2$s. Please check the connectivity with the hub.
M_0A_20 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_0A_21 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_0A_22 %3$s: night mode activated using %1$s
M_0A_23 %3$s: panic button pressed on %1$s
M_0A_30 %3$s: unauthorized access attempt using %1$s
M_21_12 %1$s: malfunction detected
M_03_2C %3$s: detector is faulty, %1$s in %2$s. Please, contact the service center listed on the warranty card
M_09_2C %3$s: detector is faulty, %1$s in %2$s. Please, contact the service center listed on the warranty card
M_03_2D %3$s: smoke chamber is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_2D %3$s: the smoke chamber of %1$s in %2$s is OK
M_0A_31 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
pro_access_request %1$s (%4$s) has requested access to the hub settings for %3$s h.
M_0F_20 %3$s: opening detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_0F_21 %3$s: closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_0F_22 %3$s: external contact is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_0F_23 %3$s: external contact closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_0F_30 %3$s: shock detected by %1$s in %2$s
M_0F_31 %3$s: tilt detected by %1$s in %2$s
M_0F_32 %3$s: the accelerometer of the %1$s in %2$s room doesn’t work properly. Please, contact the service center listed on the warranty card
M_0F_33 %3$s: the accelerometer of the %1$s in %2$s is OK
M_11_20 %3$s: alarm detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_21 %3$s: recovered after alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_22 %3$s: alarm detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_26 %3$s: device was moved, %1$s in %2$s
pro_access_permanent_request %1$s (%4$s) has requested permanent access to the hub settings
pro_access_response %2$s granted the access to hub settings for %3$s hours
pro_access_permanent_response %2$s has allowed permanent access to the hub settings
pro_access_response_rejected %2$s has denied access to the hub settings
M_22_09 %2$s granted the access to hub settings to %1$s (%4$s) for %3$s hours
M_22_0A %2$s has allowed permanent access to the hub settings to %1$s (%4$s)
M_22_0B %2$s has denied %1$s (%4$s) access request to the hub settings
M_22_07 %3$s: new user %1$s added
M_22_08 %3$s: user %1$s removed
M_ABS_12 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s has detected a malfunction
M_22_0D Request for hub settings access received
M_24_08 %3$s: new room %2$s added
M_24_09 %3$s: room %2$s removed
M_ABS_08 %3$s: device %1$s added successfully
M_ABS_09 %3$s: device %1$s removed
M_22_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt by %1$s
M_22_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt by %1$s
M_22_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions by %1$s
M_22_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions by %1$s
M_0A_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_0A_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt using %1$s
M_0A_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_0A_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using %1$s
M_0B_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_0B_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt using %1$s
M_0B_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_0B_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using %1$s
M_21_13 %1$s: connection to the monitoring station is lost. Check cellular signal strength and the Ethernet port on the hub
M_1E_2C %3$s: not responding, %1$s in %2$s. Please check the connectivity with the hub.
M_12_2C %3$s: not responding, %1$s in %2$s. Please check the connectivity with the hub.
M_12_2A %3$s: voltage is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_29 %3$s: low voltage shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_28 %3$s: overvoltage shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_23 %3$s: switched off, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_22 %3$s: switched on %1$s, in %2$s
M_12_21 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_20 %3$s: overheating shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_2D %3$s: activated, %1$s in %2$s
M_25_08 %3$s: camera %1$s added successfully
M_25_09 %3$s: camera %1$s removed
M_06_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_13_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_06_22 %3$s: detector view blocked, check %1$s in %2$s
M_13_22 %3$s: detector view blocked, check the %1$s in %2$s
M_06_23 %3$s: detector view unblocked, %1$s in %2$s
M_13_23 %3$s: detector view unblocked, %1$s in %2$s
M_23_08 %3$s: new group %1$s added
M_23_09 %3$s: group %1$s removed
M_22_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated by %1$s
M_22_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed by %1$s
M_22_2A %3$s: %2$s armed by %1$s
M_22_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions by %1$s
M_0B_2A %3$s: %2$s armed using %1$s
M_0B_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_0B_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_0B_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_0A_2A %3$s: %2$s armed using %1$s
M_0A_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_0A_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_0A_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_0B_2E %3$s: %2$s, unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_0A_2E %3$s: %2$s, unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_22_2E %3$s: %2$s unsuccessful arming attempt by %1$s
M_22_2F %3$s: %2$s disarmed by %1$s
M_22_31 %3$s: disarmed by %1$s
M_0A_2F %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_22_32 %3$s: night mode deactivated by %1$s
M_0A_32 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_26_00 %3$s: lid is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_26_01 %3$s: lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_26_20 %3$s: alarm is detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_26_21 %3$s: recovered after alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_26_22 %3$s: alarm detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_0D_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_01_24 %3$s: alarm is detected, roller shutter %1$s in %2$s
M_0F_24 %3$s: alarm detected, roller shutter %1$s in %2$s
M_01_25 %3$s: connection lost, roller shutter %1$s in %2$s
M_0F_25 %3$s: roller shutter is disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_01_26 %3$s: connection restored, roller shutter %1$s in %2$s
M_0F_26 %3$s: connection restored, roller shutter %1$s in %2$s
M_13_25 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_13_24 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_26_23 %3$s: external contact is shorted out, %1$s in %2$s
M_26_24 %3$s: external contact is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_07_10 Updating your %1$s firmware
M_07_11 %1$s firmware updated successfully
M_ABS_13 %1$s turned off
M_0C_20 %3$s: %1$s panic button is pressed
M_0D_30 %3$s: connection via Wings channel lost, %1$s in %2$s. You won’t receive photos from this device.
M_0D_31 %3$s: connection via Wings channel restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_29_20 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_29_21 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_29_22 %3$s: night mode activated using %1$s
M_29_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_29_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt using %1$s
M_29_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_29_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using %1$s
M_29_2A %3$s: %2$s armed using %1$s
M_29_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_29_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_29_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_29_2E %3$s: %2$s unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_26_25 %3$s: external contact is damaged, %1$s in %2$s
M_29_08 %3$s: new key %1$s added
M_29_09 %3$s: key %1$s removed
M_28_00 %3$s: lid is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_01 %3$s: lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_04 %3$s: connection lost, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_05 %3$s: connection restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_0B_09 %3$s: device %1$s removed
M_0C_08 %3$s: device %1$s added successfully
M_0C_09 %3$s: device %1$s removed
M_0B_08 %3$s: device %1$s added successfully
M_0D_32 %3$s: received photo on demand, %1$s in %2$s
M_0D_33 %3$s: failed to receive photo on demand, %1$s in %2$s. Please try again.
M_0C_02 %3$s: %1$s battery charged
M_0C_03 %3$s: low battery level in %1$s
M_2A_08 %3$s: new scenario %1$s added
M_2A_09 %3$s: scenario %1$s removed
M_21_17 %3$s: high level of interference at Wings frequencies
M_21_18 %3$s: interference level at Wings frequencies is OK
M_2A_20 %3$s: disarmed automatically, scenario %1$s
M_2A_21 %3$s: armed automatically, scenario %1$s
M_2A_22 %3$s: night mode activated automatically, scenario %1$s
M_2A_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions automatically, scenario %1$s
M_2A_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions automatically, scenario %1$s
M_2A_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated automatically, scenario %1$s
M_2A_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed automatically, scenario %1$s
M_2A_2A %3$s: %2$s armed automatically, scenario %1$s
M_2A_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions automatically, scenario %1$s
M_2A_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt, scenario %1$s
M_2A_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt, scenario %1$s
M_2A_2E %3$s: %2$s unsuccessful arming attempt, scenario %1$s
M_28_20 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_28_21 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_28_22 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_28_23 %3$s: panic button pressed on %1$s
M_28_30 %3$s: attempt to break the password on %1$s
M_28_31 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_28_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_28_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt using %1$s
M_28_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_28_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using %1$s
M_28_2A %3$s: %2$s armed using %1$s
M_28_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_28_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_28_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_28_2E %3$s: %2$s unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_28_2F %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_28_32 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_0C_30 %3$s: fire alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_31 %3$s: auxiliary alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_32 %3$s: gas leak detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_33 %3$s: alarm signal, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_30 %3$s: fire alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_31 %3$s: fire alarm is over, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_32 %3$s: fire alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_33 %3$s: auxiliary alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_35 %3$s: auxiliary alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_36 %3$s: panic button is pressed, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_37 %3$s: alarm cancellation, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_38 %3$s: panic button is pressed, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_39 %3$s: gas leak detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_3A %3$s: gas concentration is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_3B %3$s: gas detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_24 %3$s: failed to switch off %1$s in %2$s. The device may have malfunctioned. Please contact the support service.
M_1F_2D %3$s: activated, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_2D %3$s: activated, %1$s in %2$s
M_1A_20 %3$s: motion detected, left side of %1$s in %2$s
M_1A_21 %3$s: motion detected, right side of %1$s in %2$s
M_1A_22 %3$s: left-side view blocked, check the %1$s in %2$s
M_1A_24 %3$s: right-side view blocked, check the %1$s in %2$s
M_1A_23 %3$s: left-side view unblocked, %1$s in %2$s
M_1A_25 %3$s: right-side view unblocked, %1$s in %2$s
M_1A_26 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1A_27 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_34 %3$s: auxiliary alarm is over, %1$s in %2$s
M_21_19 Data source for import has been selected
M_21_1A New hub to import data has been selected
M_21_1B Data import has been started
M_21_1C Data import has been completed
M_21_1D Data import has been completed. Some devices have not been transferred, please pair them manually.
M_21_0D %1$s was switched on
M_21_0E %1$s was reset to factory settings
%1$s was reset to factory settings New login into account detected
M_1D_24 %3$s: contact has been restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_30 %3$s: fire alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_32 %3$s: fire alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_33 %3$s: auxiliary alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_35 %3$s: auxiliary alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_36 %3$s: panic button is pressed, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_38 %3$s: panic button is pressed, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_39 %3$s: gas leak detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_3B %3$s: gas leak detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_31 %3$s: fire alarm is over, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_34 %3$s: auxiliary alarm is over, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_37 %3$s: alarm cancellation, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_3A %3$s: gas concentration is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_1B_20 %3$s: device was moved, %1$s in %2$s
M_1B_22 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_1B_21 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_0D %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are enabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_0C %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are disabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_0B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_0A %3$s: device deactivated, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_26_0A %3$s: device deactivated, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_26_0B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_26_0E %3$s: deactivated automatically due to max number of alarms, %1$s in %2$s
M_26_10 %3$s: restored after automatic deactivation, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_23 %3$s: contact is shorted out, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_25 %3$s: lost contact, %1$s in %2$s
M_1C_20 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1C_21 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_1C_22 %3$s: battery has been disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1C_23 %3$s: battery has been connected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1C_24 %3$s: power supply terminal for detectors is shorted out, %1$s in %2$s
M_1C_25 %3$s: detectors power supply has been restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_1C_26 %3$s: fire detector power supply terminal is shorted out, %1$s in %2$s
M_1C_27 %3$s: fire detector power supply has been restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_0A %3$s: device deactivated, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_ABS_0B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_0C %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are disabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_0D %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are enabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_0E %3$s: deactivated automatically due to max number of alarms, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_0F %3$s: deactivated automatically by the expiration of the restoration timer, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_21 %3$s: recovered after alarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_20 %3$s: alarm is detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_22 %3$s: alarm detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1B_09 %3$s: device %1$s removed
M_1B_08 %3$s: device %1$s added successfully
M_07_22 %3$s: high level of interference at Jeweller frequencies, %1$s in %2$s
M_07_23 %3$s: interference level at Jeweller frequencies is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_0B_0A %3$s: device deactivated, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_0C_0A %3$s: device deactivated, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_0C_0B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_0C %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are disabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_0D %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are enabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_0B_0B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_0B_0C %3$s: notifications on the lid state are disabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_0B_0D %3$s: notifications on the lid state are enabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_21_1E %3$s: intrusion alarm is confirmed
M_21_1F %3$s: hold-up alarm is confirmed
M_42_20 %3$s: hold-up device is pressed, %1$s in %2$s
M_42_21 %3$s: hold-up device is pressed, %1$s in %2$s
M_42_0A %3$s: device deactivated, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_42_0B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_0E %3$s: deactivated automatically due to max number of alarms, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_0F %3$s: deactivated automatically by the expiration of the restoration timer, %1$s in %2$s
M_28_14 %3$s: deactivated automatically due to max number of alarms, %1$s in %2$s
M_26_0F %3$s: deactivated automatically by the expiration of the restoration timer, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_36 %3$s: signs of high CO level detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_37 %3$s: CO level is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_34 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted using %1$s
M_03_2E %3$s: signs of smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_2F %3$s: no smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_33 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_35 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_38 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted by pressing on the detector, %1$s in %2$s
M_0A_34 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted using %1$s
M_22_36 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted by %1$s
M_21_20 %1$s: server connection via Ethernet lost
M_22_34 %3$s: %1$s requested system restoration after alarm
M_22_35 %3$s: %1$s denied request for system restore after alarm. Installer visit is required.
M_09_2E %3$s: signs of smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_2F %3$s: no smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_33 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_35 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_38 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted by pressing on the detector, %1$s in %2$s
M_22_37 %3$s: system is restored after alarms by %1$s
M_0B_33 %3$s: arming attempt using %1$s is incomplete
M_1C_0F %3$s: deactivated automatically by the expiration of the restore timer, %1$s in %2$s
M_1C_0E %3$s: deactivated automatically due to max number of alarms, %1$s in %2$s
M_0A_33 %3$s: arming attempt using %1$s is incomplete
M_2A_33 %3$s: scenario %1$s was not executed, arming process was in progress
M_22_33 %3$s: arming attempt by %1$s is not complete
M_03_34 %3$s: signs of rapid temperature rise detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_03_32 %3$s: signs of exceeding the temperature threshold detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_34 %3$s: signs of rapid temperature rise detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_09_32 %3$s: signs of exceeding the temperature threshold detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_22_20 %3$s: %1$s pressed the panic button
M_18_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_18_30 %3$s: connection via Wings channel lost, %1$s in %2$s. You won’t receive photos from this device.
M_18_31 %3$s: connection via Wings channel restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_18_32 %3$s: received photo on demand, %1$s in %2$s
M_18_33 %3$s: failed to receive photo on demand, %1$s in %2$s. Please try again.
M_18_22 %3$s: detector view blocked, check %1$s in %2$s
M_18_23 %3$s: detector view unblocked, %1$s in %2$s
M_19_20 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_19_21 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_19_22 %3$s: night mode activated using %1$s
M_19_23 %3$s: panic button pressed on %1$s
M_19_30 %3$s: unauthorized access attempt using %1$s
M_19_31 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_19_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_19_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt using %1$s
M_19_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_19_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using %1$s
M_19_2A %3$s: %2$s armed using %1$s
M_19_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_19_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_19_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_19_2E %3$s: %2$s, unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_19_2F %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_19_32 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_19_34 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted using %1$s
M_19_33 %3$s: arming attempt using %1$s is incomplete
M_2E_20 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_2E_21 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_2E_22 %3$s: night mode activated using %1$s
M_2E_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_2E_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt using %1$s
M_2E_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_2E_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using %1$s
M_2E_2A %3$s: %2$s armed using %1$s
M_2E_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_2E_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_2E_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_2E_2E %3$s: %2$s unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_2E_33 %3$s: arming attempt using %1$s is incomplete
M_2E_35 %3$s: the device %1$s is deactivated. Now it cannot manage security modes.
M_2E_36 %3$s: device %1$s is active again
M_2E_37 %3$s: attempt to use temporary deactivated device %1$s
M_26_14 %3$s: restored after automatic deactivation, %1$s in %2$s
M_43_20 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_43_21 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_43_22 %3$s: night mode activated using %1$s
M_43_23 %3$s: panic button pressed on %1$s
M_43_30 %3$s: unauthorized access attempt using %1$s
M_43_31 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_43_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_43_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt using %1$s
M_43_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_43_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using %1$s
M_43_2A %3$s: %2$s armed using %1$s
M_43_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_43_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_43_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_43_2E %3$s: %2$s, unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_43_2F %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_43_32 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_43_34 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted using %1$s
M_43_33 %3$s: arming attempt using %1$s is incomplete
M_2E_08 %3$s: device %1$s added successfully
M_2E_09 %3$s: device %1$s removed
M_61_20 %3$s: opening detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_61_21 %3$s: closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_61_22 %3$s: external contact is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_61_23 %3$s: external contact closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_20 %3$s: opening detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_21 %3$s: closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_22 %3$s: external contact is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_23 %3$s: external contact closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_30 %3$s: shock detected by %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_31 %3$s: tilt detected by %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_24 %3$s: alarm detected, roller shutter %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_25 %3$s: roller shutter is disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_26 %3$s: connection restored, roller shutter %1$s in %2$s
M_62_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_6E_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_64_20 %3$s: glass break detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_64_22 %3$s: external contact is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_64_23 %3$s: external contact closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_68_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_68_21 %3$s: glass break detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_6A_20 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_6A_21 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_6A_22 %3$s: night mode activated using %1$s
M_6A_23 %3$s: panic button pressed on %1$s
M_6A_30 %3$s: unauthorized access attempt using %1$s
M_6A_31 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_6A_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_6A_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt using %1$s
M_6A_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_6A_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using %1$s
M_6A_2A %3$s: %2$s armed using %1$s
M_6A_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_6A_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_6A_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_6A_2E %3$s: %2$s, unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_6A_2F %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_6A_32 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_6A_34 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted using %1$s
M_6A_33 %3$s: arming attempt using %1$s is incomplete
M_74_20 %3$s: device was moved, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_21 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_22 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_7B_20 %3$s: device was moved, %1$s in %2$s
M_7B_22 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_7B_21 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_45_20 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_45_21 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_45_22 %3$s: battery has been disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_45_23 %3$s: battery has been connected, %1$s in %2$s
M_45_2C %3$s: not responding, %1$s in %2$s. Please check the connectivity with the hub.
M_46_20 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_46_21 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_46_22 %3$s: high level of interference at Jeweller frequencies, %1$s in %2$s
M_46_23 %3$s: interference level at Jeweller frequencies is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_46_30 %3$s: lost connection via photo transmitting channel, %1$s in %2$s. You won’t receive photos from motion detectors connected through range extender.
M_46_31 %3$s: restored connection via photo transmitting channel, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_00 %3$s: lid is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_01 %3$s: lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_03 %3$s: insufficient power voltage, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_02 %3$s: power voltage restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_04 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s is offline. Connection via Fibra channel lost.
M_FCP_05 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s is online again. Connection via Fibra channel restored.
M_FCP_06 %3$s: synchronization failure, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_07 %3$s: synchronization OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_12 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s has detected a malfunction
M_FCP_08 %3$s: device %1$s added successfully
M_FCP_09 %3$s: device %1$s removed
M_FCP_13 %1$s turned off
M_FCP_0A %3$s: device deactivated, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_FCP_0B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_0C %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are disabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_0D %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are enabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_0E %3$s: deactivated automatically due to max number of alarms, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_0F %3$s: deactivated automatically by the expiration of the restoration timer, %1$s in %2$s
M_22_38 %3$s: Chime activated by %1$s
M_22_39 %3$s: Chime deactivated by %1$s
M_22_3A %3$s: Chime in %2$s activated by %1$s
M_22_3B %3$s: Chime in %2$s deactivated by %1$s
M_22_2F_company %3$s: %2$s disarmed under duress by %1$s
M_22_31_company %3$s: disarmed under duress by %1$s
M_22_32_company %3$s: Night mode deactivated under duress by %1$s
M_0A_2F_company %3$s: %2$s disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_0A_31_company %3$s: disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_0A_32_company %3$s: Night mode deactivated under duress using %1$s
M_19_2F_company %3$s: %2$s disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_19_31_company %3$s: disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_19_32_company %3$s: Night mode deactivated under duress using %1$s
M_6A_2F_company %3$s: %2$s disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_6A_31_company %3$s: disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_6A_32_company %3$s: Night mode deactivated under duress using %1$s
M_21_21 %1$s: server connection via Ethernet restored
M_21_22 %1$s: server connection via cellular lost
M_21_23 %1$s: server connection via cellular restored
M_21_24 %1$s: server connection via Wi-Fi lost
M_21_25 %1$s: server connection via Wi-Fi restored
M_43_32_company %3$s: Night mode deactivated under duress using %1$s
M_43_31_company %3$s: disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_43_2F_company %3$s: %2$s disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_0D_34 %3$s: received photo by alarm scenario, %1$s in %2$s
M_18_34 %3$s: received photo by alarm scenario, %1$s in %2$s
M_0D_35 %3$s: failed to receive photo by alarm scenario, %1$s in %2$s
M_18_35 %3$s: failed to receive photo by alarm scenario, %1$s in %2$s
M_2F_40 %1$s added installation company %2$s to hub
M_2F_41 %1$s deleted installation company %2$s from hub
M_2F_42 Request for hub settings temporary access received
M_2F_43 Request for hub settings permanent access received
M_21_26 %3$s: short-circuit failure on the lines
M_21_27 %3$s: lines restored after a short circuit
M_22_3C %2$s granted the access to hub settings to %1$s (%4$s) for %3$s hours
M_22_3D %2$s has allowed permanent access to the hub settings to %1$s (%4$s)
M_22_3E %2$s has denied %1$s (%4$s) access request to the hub settings
service_company_access_request Installation company %1$s (%3$s) requested access to hub settings for %2$s h.
service_company_permanent_access_request Installation company %1$s (%3$s) requested permanent access to hub settings
M_4C_2D %3$s: temporary activated in pulse mode, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_20 %3$s: overheating shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_21 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_22 %3$s: switched on, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_23 %3$s: switched off, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_24 %3$s: unable to perform an action, %1$s in %2$s. The device may have failed. Please contact the support service.
M_4C_26 %3$s: overcurrent shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_27 %3$s: current is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_28 %3$s: overvoltage shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_29 %3$s: low voltage shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_2A %3$s: voltage is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_2C %3$s: not responding, %1$s in %2$s. Please check the connectivity with the hub.
M_4C_2E %3$s: switched on with device button, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_2F %3$s: switched off with device button, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_30 %3$s: temporary activated with device button in pulse mode, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_23 %3$s: battery disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_24 %3$s: battery connected, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_25 %3$s: battery low, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_26 %3$s: battery charged, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_3E %3$s: malfunction detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_40 %3$s: malfunction detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_3F %3$s: malfunction resolved, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_3C %3$s: lid is open, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_3D %3$s: lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_46_32 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s is offline
M_46_33 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s is online again
M_22_3F %3$s: photo on demand feature enabled for this hub by %1$s
M_22_40 %3$s: photo on demand feature disabled by %1$s
M_22_41 %3$s: photo by alarm scenarios feature enabled for this hub by %1$s
M_22_42 %3$s: photo by alarm scenarios feature disabled by %1$s
M_1D_43 %3$s: leakage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_44 %3$s: no leakage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_45 %3$s: leakage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_46 %3$s: custom-configured event triggered, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_48 %3$s: custom-configured event triggered, %1$s in %2$s
M_1D_47 %3$s: restored after custom-configured event, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_44 %3$s: malfunction detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_42 %3$s: malfunction detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_43 %3$s: malfunction resolved, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_3E %3$s: leakage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_3D %3$s: no leakage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_3C %3$s: leakage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_41 %3$s: custom-configured event triggered, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_3F %3$s: custom-configured event triggered, %1$s in %2$s
M_11_40 %3$s: restored after custom-configured event, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_37 %3$s: malfunction detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_35 %3$s: leakage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_36 %3$s: custom-configured event triggered, %1$s in %2$s
M_0D_36 %3$s: received photo on %4$s’s demand, %1$s in %2$s
M_0D_37 %3$s: failed to receive photo on %4$s’s demand, %1$s in %2$s
M_18_36 %3$s: received photo on %4$s’s demand, %1$s in %2$s
M_18_37 %3$s: failed to receive photo on %4$s’s demand, %1$s in %2$s
M_44_2D %3$s: %1$s turned on by %4$s
M_44_33 %3$s: %1$s turned off by %4$s
M_44_2C %3$s: not responding, %1$s in %2$s. Please check the connectivity with the hub.
M_44_21 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_44_20 %3$s: overheating, %1$s in %2$s. Touch button of the device is blocked.
M_44_25 %3$s: maximum device load exceeded, %1$s in %2$s
M_44_28 %3$s: insufficient power supply, %1$s in %2$s
M_30_20 %3$s: disarmed with access code %1$s
M_30_21 %3$s: armed with access code %1$s
M_30_22 %3$s: night mode activated with access code %1$s
M_30_31 %3$s: disarmed with access code %1$s
M_30_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt with access code %1$s
M_30_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation with access code %1$s
M_30_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using access code %1$s
M_30_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using access code %1$s
M_30_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated with access code %1$s
M_30_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed with access code %1$s
M_30_2A %3$s: %2$s armed with access code %1$s
M_30_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using access code %1$s
M_30_2E %3$s: %2$s unsuccessful arming attempt with access code %1$s
M_30_2F %3$s: %2$s disarmed with access code %1$s
M_30_32 %3$s: night mode deactivated with access code %1$s
M_30_33 %3$s: arming attempt with access code %1$s is incomplete
M_30_08 %3$s: access code %1$s added successfully
M_30_09 %3$s: access code %1$s removed
M_30_35 %3$s: access code %1$s is deactivated. Now it cannot manage security modes.
M_30_36 %3$s: access code %1$s is active again
M_30_31_company %3$s: disarmed under duress with access code %1$s
M_30_2F_company %3$s: %2$s disarmed under duress with access code %1$s
M_30_32_company %3$s: night mode deactivated under duress with access code %1$s
M_47_20 %3$s: temperature value is higher than the comfort one, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_21 %3$s: temperature value is lower than the comfort one, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_22 %3$s: temperature value is back to comfort, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_23 %3$s: humidity value is higher than the comfort one, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_24 %3$s: humidity value is lower than the comfort one, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_25 %3$s: humidity value is back to comfort, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_26 %3$s: CO₂ value is higher than the acceptable level, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_27 %3$s: CO₂ value is back to normal, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_28 %3$s: device was moved, %1$s in %2$s
M_44_2E %3$s: %1$s turned on with device touch button
M_44_34 %3$s: %1$s turned off with device touch button
M_44_36 %3$s: %1$s turned off automatically on timer
M_44_2F %3$s: %1$s turned on, scenario %5$s
M_44_35 %3$s: %1$s turned off, scenario %5$s
M_44_32 %3$s: %1$s turned on
M_44_39 %3$s: %1$s turned off
M_44_30 %3$s: %1$s turned on by arming
M_44_31 %3$s: %1$s turned on by disarming
M_44_37 %3$s: %1$s turned off by arming
M_44_38 %3$s: %1$s turned off by disarming
M_7C_20 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_21 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_22 %3$s: battery has been disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_23 %3$s: battery has been connected, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_24 %3$s: power supply terminal for detectors is shorted out, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_25 %3$s: detectors power supply has been restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_26 %3$s: fire detector power supply terminal is shorted out, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_27 %3$s: fire detector power supply has been restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_0F %3$s: deactivated automatically by the expiration of the restore timer, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_0E %3$s: deactivated automatically due to max number of alarms, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_34 %3$s: front lid open, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_35 %3$s: front lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_00 %3$s: device detached from surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_74_01 %3$s: device fastened back to surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_34 %3$s: front lid open, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_35 %3$s: front lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_00 %3$s: device detached from surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_01 %3$s: device fastened back to surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_61_34 %3$s: front lid open, %1$s in %2$s
M_61_35 %3$s: front lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_61_00 %3$s: device detached from surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_61_01 %3$s: device fastened back to surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_64_34 %3$s: front lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_64_35 %3$s: front lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_64_00 %3$s: device detached from surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_64_01 %3$s: device fastened back to surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_22 %3$s: temperature above the threshold value, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_23 %3$s: temperature level is back to normal, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_24 %3$s: malfunction detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_25 %3$s: malfunction resolved, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_2A %3$s: rapid temperature rise detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_2B %3$s: rapid temperature rise stopped, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_33 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_35 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_38 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted by pressing on the detector, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_34 %3$s: signs of rapid temperature rise detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_32 %3$s: signs of exceeding the temperature threshold detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_20 %3$s: smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_21 %3$s: no smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_2C %3$s: smoke chamber of detector is faulty, %1$s in %2$s. Please, contact the service center listed on the warranty card.
M_4D_2D %3$s: smoke chamber of detector is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_2E %3$s: signs of smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_2F %3$s: no smoke detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_30 %3$s: carbon monoxide (СО) detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_31 %3$s: carbon monoxide (CO) level is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_36 %3$s: signs of high CO level detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_37 %3$s: CO level is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_31 %3$s: wire sparking detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_39 %3$s: critical carbon monoxide (CO) level detected, %1$s in %2$s. Leave the premises immediately.
M_4D_3A %3$s: carbon monoxide (CO) level has decreased, %1$s in %2$s. You can return to the premises if necessary.
M_4D_3C %3$s: device CO sensor is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_4D_3B %3$s: device CO sensor is faulty, %1$s in %2$s. Please, contact the service center listed on the warranty card.
M_ABS_16 %3$s: device reached its end of service life, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_28 %3$s: battery low, %1$s in %2$s
M_7C_29 %3$s: battery charged, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_29 %3$s: some device sensors are faulty, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_2A %3$s: all device sensors are OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_36 %3$s: switched on, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_41 %3$s: switched off, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_33 %3$s: switched on %1$s in %2$s, scenario %5$s
M_1F_34 %3$s: switched on by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_35 %3$s: switched on by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_38 %3$s: switched off %1$s in %2$s, scenario %5$s
M_1F_39 %3$s: switched off by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_40 %3$s: switched off by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_42 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s activated in pulse mode, scenario %5$s
M_1F_43 %3$s: activated in pulse mode by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_44 %3$s: activated in pulse mode by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_45 %3$s: activated in pulse mode, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_36 %3$s: switched on, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_41 %3$s: switched off, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_33 %3$s: switched on %1$s in %2$s, scenario %5$s
M_1E_34 %3$s: switched on by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_35 %3$s: switched on by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_38 %3$s: switched off %1$s in %2$s, scenario %5$s
M_1E_39 %3$s: switched off by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_40 %3$s: switched off by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_42 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s activated in pulse mode, scenario %5$s
M_1E_43 %3$s: activated in pulse mode by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_44 %3$s: activated in pulse mode by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_1E_45 %3$s: activated in pulse mode, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_36 %3$s: switched on, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_41 %3$s: switched off, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_33 %3$s: switched on %1$s in %2$s, scenario %5$s
M_12_34 %3$s: switched on by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_35 %3$s: switched on by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_38 %3$s: switched off %1$s in %2$s, scenario %5$s
M_12_39 %3$s: switched off by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_40 %3$s: switched off by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_42 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s activated in pulse mode, scenario %5$s
M_12_43 %3$s: activated in pulse mode by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_44 %3$s: activated in pulse mode by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_12_45 %3$s: activated in pulse mode, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_36 %3$s: switched on, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_41 %3$s: switched off, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_33 %3$s: switched on %1$s in %2$s, scenario %5$s
M_4C_34 %3$s: switched on by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_35 %3$s: switched on by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_38 %3$s: switched off %1$s in %2$s, scenario %5$s
M_4C_39 %3$s: switched off by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_40 %3$s: switched off by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_42 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s activated in pulse mode, scenario %5$s
M_4C_43 %3$s: activated in pulse mode by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_44 %3$s: activated in pulse mode by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_45 %3$s: activated in pulse mode, %1$s in %2$s
M_1F_37 %3$s: switched on %1$s in %2$s by %4$s
M_1F_46 %3$s: switched off %1$s in %2$s by %4$s
M_1F_47 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s activated in pulse mode by %4$s
M_1E_37 %3$s: switched on %1$s in %2$s by %4$s
M_1E_46 %3$s: switched off %1$s in %2$s by %4$s
M_1E_47 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s activated in pulse mode by %4$s
M_12_37 %3$s: switched on %1$s in %2$s by %4$s
M_12_46 %3$s: switched off %1$s in %2$s by %4$s
M_12_47 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s activated in pulse mode by %4$s
M_4C_37 %3$s: switched on %1$s in %2$s by %4$s
M_4C_46 %3$s: switched off %1$s in %2$s by %4$s
M_4C_47 %3$s: %1$s in %2$s activated in pulse mode by %4$s
M_4D_3D %3$s: device temperature sensor is faulty, %1$s in %2$s. Please, contact the service center listed on the warranty card.
M_4D_3E %3$s: device temperature sensor is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_20 %3$s: external power disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_21 %3$s: external power restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_46 %3$s: water supply turned off by %4$s, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_2F %3$s: water supply turned off with device button, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_37 %3$s: water supply turned on by %4$s, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_2E %3$s: water supply turned on with device button, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_33 %3$s: water supply turned on by scenario %5$s, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_38 %3$s: water supply turned off by scenario %5$s, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_24 %3$s: valve stuck, %1$s in %2$s. Check user guide to fix the malfunction.
M_48_34 %3$s: water supply turned on by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_35 %3$s: water supply turned on by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_36 %3$s: water supply turned on, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_39 %3$s: water supply turned off by arming, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_40 %3$s: water supply turned off by disarming, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_41 %3$s: water supply turned off, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_23 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_22 %3$s: temperature is out of range, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_30 %3$s: connection via Wings channel lost, %1$s in %2$s. You won’t receive photos from this device.
M_6D_31 %3$s: connection via Wings channel restored, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_32 %3$s: received photo on demand, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_33 %3$s: failed to receive photo on demand, %1$s in %2$s. Please try again.
M_6D_34 %3$s: received photo by alarm scenario, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_35 %3$s: failed to receive photo by alarm scenario, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_36 %3$s: received photo on %4$s’s demand, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_37 %3$s: failed to receive photo on %4$s’s demand, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_23 %3$s: battery disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_24 %3$s: battery connected, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_25 %3$s: battery low, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_26 %3$s: battery charged, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_21 %3$s: front lid open, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_22 %3$s: front lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_23 %3$s: device detached from surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_24 %3$s: device fastened back to surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_25 %3$s: short-circuit failure on the output line, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_26 %3$s: output line restored after a short circuit, %1$s in %2$s
M_6D_20 %3$s: motion detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_27 %3$s: enclosure tamper switch disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_28 %3$s: enclosure tamper switch connected, %1$s in %2$s
M_41_20 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_41_21 %3$s: armed using %1$s
M_41_22 %3$s: night mode activated using %1$s
M_41_23 %3$s: panic button pressed on %1$s
M_41_30 %3$s: unauthorized access attempt using %1$s
M_41_31 %3$s: disarmed using %1$s
M_41_24 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_41_25 %3$s: unsuccessful Night mode activation attempt using %1$s
M_41_26 %3$s: armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_41_27 %3$s: night mode activated with malfunctions using %1$s
M_41_2A %3$s: %2$s armed using %1$s
M_41_2D %3$s: %2$s armed with malfunctions using %1$s
M_41_29 %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_41_28 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_41_2E %3$s: %2$s, unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_41_2F %3$s: %2$s disarmed using %1$s
M_41_32 %3$s: night mode deactivated using %1$s
M_41_34 %3$s: alarm is temporarily muted using %1$s
M_41_33 %3$s: arming attempt using %1$s is incomplete
M_41_2F_company %3$s: %2$s disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_41_31_company %3$s: disarmed under duress using %1$s
M_41_32_company %3$s: Night mode deactivated under duress using %1$s
M_41_35 %3$s: fire emergency button pressed on %1$s
M_41_36 %3$s: emergency button for auxiliary alarm pressed on %1$s
M_76_29 %3$s: signal lines overvoltage failure, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_30 %3$s: signal lines restored after overvoltage failure, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_29 %3$s: batteries are not installed, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_2A %3$s: batteries installed, %1$s in %2$s
M_21_28 %3$s: signal lines overvoltage failure
M_21_29 %3$s: signal lines restored after overvoltage failure
M_ABS_17 %3$s: device firmware update launched by %4$s, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_18 %3$s: device firmware update launched by %4$s, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_19 %3$s: firmware updated successfully, %1$s in %2$s
M_22_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt by %1$s
M_0A_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_0B_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_29_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_2A_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt, scenario %1$s
M_28_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_19_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_2E_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_43_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_6A_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_30_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt with access code %1$s
M_41_43 %3$s: unsuccessful arming attempt using %1$s
M_47_30 %3$s: connection via Wings channel lost, %1$s in %2$s
M_47_31 %3$s: restored connection via Wings channel, %1$s in %2$s
M_48_2C %3$s: not responding, %1$s in %2$s. Please check the connectivity with the hub.
M_76_31 %3$s: output line sabotage detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_32 %3$s: output line restored after sabotage, %1$s in %2$s
M_76_33 %3$s: device fuses are blown, %1$s in %2$s
mtr_wi_offline %3$s: %1$s in %2$s is offline
M_22_44 %3$s: new time zone %2$s set by %4$s
M_72_2C %3$s: not responding, %1$s in %2$s. Please check the connectivity with the hub.
M_72_26 %3$s: temperature is OK, %1$s in %2$s
M_72_21 %3$s: front lid open, %1$s in %2$s
M_72_22 %3$s: front lid closed, %1$s in %2$s
M_72_23 %3$s: device detached from surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_72_24 %3$s: device fastened back to surface, %1$s in %2$s
M_72_27 %3$s: enclosure tamper switch disconnected, %1$s in %2$s
M_72_28 %3$s: enclosure tamper switch connected, %1$s in %2$s
M_4C_48 %3$s: switched off automatically on timer, %1$s in %2$s
M_72_25 %3$s: overheating shutdown, %1$s in %2$s
M_72_2D %3$s: %1$s switched on by %4$s
M_72_33 %3$s: %1$s switched off by %4$s
M_72_36 %3$s: %1$s switched off automatically on timer
M_72_2F %3$s: %1$s switched on, scenario %5$s
M_72_35 %3$s: %1$s switched off, scenario %5$s
M_72_32 %3$s: %1$s switched on
M_72_30 %3$s: %1$s switched on by arming
M_72_31 %3$s: %1$s switched on by disarming
M_72_37 %3$s: %1$s switched off by arming
M_72_38 %3$s: %1$s switched off by disarming
M_72_39 %3$s: %1$s switched off
M_53_0A %3$s: ring %1$s:%4$s disconnected
M_53_0B %3$s: ring %1$s:%4$s connected back
M_53_08 %3$s: ring connection %1$s:%4$s added
M_53_09 %3$s: ring connection %1$s:%4$s deleted
M_53_0C %3$s: malfunction on ring %1$s:%4$s detected
M_53_0D %3$s: ring %1$s:%4$s restored after malfunction
M_41_44 %3$s: connection via Wings channel lost, %1$s in %2$s
M_41_45 %3$s: restored connection via Wings channel, %1$s in %2$s
M_41_38 %3$s: Chime activated with %1$s in %2$s
M_41_39 %3$s: Chime deactivated with %1$s in %2$s
M_41_3A %3$s: Chime in %4$s activated with %1$s in %2$s
M_41_3B %3$s: Chime in %4$s deactivated with %1$s in %2$s
M_21_2E %3$s: lines power supply disabled by %4$s
M_21_2F %3$s: lines power supply enabled by %4$s
M_6F_36 %3$s: magnetic masking detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_6F_37 %3$s: no magnetic masking detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_1A %3$s: deactivated until first disarm, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_FCP_1A %3$s: deactivated until first disarm, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_ABS_1B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_1B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_1C %3$s: notifications on the lid state disabled until first disarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_1C %3$s: notifications on the lid state disabled until first disarm, %1$s in %2$s
M_ABS_1D %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are enabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_FCP_1D %3$s: notifications about the state of the lid are enabled, %1$s in %2$s
M_42_1A %3$s: deactivated until first disarm, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_42_1B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_0B_1A %3$s: deactivated until first disarm, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_0B_1B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_0C_1A %3$s: deactivated until first disarm, %1$s in %2$s. The device will neither execute commands of the system nor notify about alarms or any other events.
M_0C_1B %3$s: device is active again, %1$s in %2$s
M_14_23 %3$s: high level of radio interference detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_14_24 %3$s: radio interference level back to normal, %1$s in %2$s
M_1B_23 %3$s: high level of radio interference detected, %1$s in %2$s
M_1B_24 %3$s: radio interference level back to normal, %1$s in %2$s
M_18_3C [%3$s]: external power restored, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_18_3B [%3$s]: external power disconnected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_18_3A [%3$s]: device was moved, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_21_33 [%3$s]: failed to switch hub to battery saving mode
M_6D_3D [%3$s]: received photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6D_3E [%3$s]: failed to receive photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_50_2B [%3$s]: failed to receive photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_50_2A [%3$s]: received photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_18_3E [%3$s]: failed to receive photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_18_3D [%3$s]: received photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_0D_3E [%3$s]: failed to receive photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_0D_3D [%3$s]: received photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_11_50 [%3$s]: detector view blocked, check [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_1D_58 [%3$s]: detector view blocked, check [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6D_39 [%3$s]: failed to receive photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6D_38 [%3$s]: received photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_18_39 [%3$s]: failed to receive photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_18_38 [%3$s]: received photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_0D_39 [%3$s]: failed to receive photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_0D_38 [%3$s]: received photo by scenario [%5$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_42 [%3$s]: no magnetic masking detected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_41 [%3$s]: magnetic masking detected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_40 [%3$s]: some device sensors failed the test, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_3F [%3$s]: self-test passed, all sensors of the device operate properly, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_41_4B [%3$s]: battery connected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_41_4A [%3$s]: battery disconnected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_0C_24 [%3$s]: [%1$s] is back online
M_0C_23 [%3$s]: device [%1$s] is not available for status check for more than 3 days
M_11_4B [%3$s]: detector view unblocked, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_11_4A [%3$s]: detector view blocked, check [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_11_49 [%3$s]: temperature is OK, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_11_47 [%3$s]: temperature is OK, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_11_45 [%3$s]: glass break detected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_1D_52 [%3$s]: detector view blocked, check [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_1D_53 [%3$s]: detector view unblocked, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_1D_51 [%3$s]: temperature is OK, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_1D_4E [%3$s]: temperature is OK, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_1D_4C [%3$s]: glass break detected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_33_49 [%3$s]: unsuccessful attempt to switch arming mode using locked [%1$s]
M_41_49 [%3$s]: battery charged, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_41_4F [%3$s]: external power restored, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_41_4E [%3$s]: external power disconnected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_1D_4B [%3$s]: connection restored, roller shutter [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_1D_29 [%3$s]: roller shutter is disconnected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_1D_2A [%3$s]: alarm detected, roller shutter [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_19_3C_copy [%3$s]: keypad locked due to unauthorized access attempt, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_30_31_company_copy [%3$s]: disarmed under duress using code [%1$s]
M_21_31 [%3$s]: hub exited battery saving mode
M_21_30 [%3$s]: hub switched to battery saving mode
M_41_48 [%3$s]: battery low, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_41_37_company [%3$s]: authorization under duress using [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_33_48 [%3$s]: unsuccessful attempt to switch arming mode using [%1$s]
M_33_3E [%3$s]: arm switch unlocked from the app by [%4$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_33_3C [%3$s]: arm switch locked due to device lid being open, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_33_43 [%3$s]: unsuccessful arming attempt using arm switch [%1$s]. Impossible to arm the system while [%4$s] in [%2$s] updating its firmware.
M_33_33 [%3$s]: unfinished arming attempt using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_2E [%3$s]: unsuccessful arming attempt of [%2$s] using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_2D [%3$s]: [%2$s] armed with malfunctions using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_2A [%3$s]: [%2$s] armed using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_29 [%3$s]: [%2$s] disarmed using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_28 [%3$s]: Night Mode deactivated using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_27 [%3$s]: Night Mode activated with malfunctions using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_26 [%3$s]: armed with malfunctions using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_25 [%3$s]: unsuccessful Night Mode activation attempt using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_24 [%3$s]: unsuccessful arming attempt using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_22 [%3$s]: Night Mode activated using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_21 [%3$s]: armed using arm switch [%1$s]
M_33_20 [%3$s]: disarmed using arm switch [%1$s]
M_71_21 [%3$s]: detectors power supply has been restored, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_71_20 [%3$s]: power supply terminal for detectors is shorted out, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_76_34 [%3$s]: device fuses restored after malfunction, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_3E [%3$s]: magnetic masking sensor requires calibration, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_3D [%3$s]: sensor of magnetic masking restored after malfunction, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_3C [%3$s]: sensor of magnetic masking is faulty, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_3B [%3$s]: accelerometer restored after malfunction, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_3A [%3$s]: accelerometer of device is faulty, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_39 [%3$s]: primary detector restored after malfunction, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6F_38 [%3$s]: primary detector of device is faulty, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_4F_21 [%3$s]: manual call point [%1$s] in [%2$s] restored after fire alarm
M_4F_20 [%3$s]: fire alarm activated through the manual call point [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_4D_41 [%3$s]: external power restored, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_4D_40 [%3$s]: external power disconnected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_30_49 [%3$s]: RRU code [%1$s] expired and can only activate again after an alarm
M_30_48 [%3$s]: RRU code [%1$s] activated for use after alarm and can now be used to manage security modes
M_53_10 [%3$s]: unregistered ring connections detected
M_53_0F [%3$s]: malfunctions on ring connection detected
M_53_0E [%3$s]: some rings are disconnected
M_30_47 [%3$s]: code [%1$s] used to request system restoration after alarm
M_72_43 [%3$s]: [%1$s] in [%2$s] failed to switch the state by disarming
M_72_42 [%3$s]: [%1$s] in [%2$s] failed to switch the state by arming
M_72_41 [%3$s]: [%1$s] in [%2$s] failed to switch the state by scenario [%5$s]
M_72_40 [%3$s]: [%1$s] in [%2$s] failed to switch the state by [%4$s] request
M_6A_3E [%3$s]: keypad unlocked from the app by [%4$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6A_3D [%3$s]: keypad unlocked on expiration of auto-lock time, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_6A_3C [%3$s]: keypad locked due to unauthorized access attempt, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_43_3E [%3$s]: keypad unlocked from the app by [%4$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_19_3E [%3$s]: keypad unlocked from the app by [%4$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_41_3E [%3$s]: keypad unlocked from the app by [%4$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_0A_3E [%3$s]: keypad unlocked from the app by [%4$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_43_3D [%3$s]: keypad unlocked on expiration of auto-lock time, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_19_3D [%3$s]: keypad unlocked on expiration of auto-lock time, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_41_3D [%3$s]: keypad unlocked on expiration of auto-lock time, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_0A_3D [%3$s]: keypad unlocked on expiration of auto-lock time, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_43_3C [%3$s]: keypad locked due to unauthorized access attempt, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_19_3C [%3$s]: keypad locked due to unauthorized access attempt, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_41_3C [%3$s]: keypad locked due to unauthorized access attempt, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_0A_3C [%3$s]: keypad locked due to unauthorized access attempt, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_76_38 [%3$s]: external power restored, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_76_37 [%3$s]: external power disconnected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_76_39 [%3$s]: battery disconnected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_FCP_18 [%3$s]: failed to update firmware, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_FCP_17 [%3$s]: device firmware update launched by [%4$s], [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_40_05 [%3$s]: lid on [%1$s] is closed
M_40_2B [%3$s]: failed to receive images by alarm scenario from [%1$s]
M_40_34 [%3$s]: [%1$s]’s battery temperature is outside the acceptable range
M_40_0B [%3$s]: [%1$s] is back online
M_40_0A [%3$s]: [%1$s] is offline. Check the network connection.
M_40_21 [%3$s]: received video on scenario [%5$s]
M_44_24 [%3$s]: failed to execute command, [%1$s] in [%2$s]. The device may have malfunctioned. Please contact the support service.
M_FCP_14 [%3$s]: restored after auto deactivation, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_FCP_10 Updating your [%1$s] firmware
M_1C_05 [%3$s]: [%1$s] in [%2$s] is online again. Connection via Jeweller channel restored.
M_ABS_14 [%3$s]: restored after auto deactivation, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_2B_41 Security company [%1$s] no longer monitors your system
M_2B_40 Security company [%1$s] is now monitoring your hub
M_21_15 [%1$s]: backup battery is disconnected
M_21_16 [%1$s]: backup battery is connected
M_ABS_10 Updating your [%1$s] firmware
M_ABS_11 [%1$s] firmware updated successfully
M_4E_20 [%3$s]: motion detected, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_4E_22 [%3$s]: detector view blocked, check [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_4E_23 [%3$s]: detector view unblocked, [%1$s] in [%2$s]
M_4E_24 [%3$s]: tilt detected by [%1$s] in [%2$s]

Device types

Please, find below list of device numbers that form an event code.

Additional resources

Resource Description
Amazon Simple Queue Service API Reference Descriptions of actions, parameters, and data types and a list of errors that the service returns.
Amazon SQS in the AWS CLI Command Reference Descriptions of the AWS CLI commands that you can use to work with queues.
Amazon Simple Queue Service Developer Guide An overview of Amazon SQS, including detailed development instructions for using the various features.
Amazon SQS FAQs Commonly asked questions about SQS.
AWS SDK for Java Developer Guide Description of the features for the latest version of the AWS SDK for Java and how to use them.

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