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KeyPad Fibra

Soon to be: Superior KeyPad Fibra

Wired touch keypad


With OS Malevich 2.13.1 update, Ajax keypads support codes for users not connected to the hub. This is convenient, for example, to create a code for a cleaning company.

Access codes are not supported by the Hub (2G) Jeweller control panel.

To create a duress code for a user without an account, you first need to create a personal access code. After that, in the Ajax app:

  1. Go to the Devices menu.
  2. Select the hub from the list.
  3. Go to its settings by clicking on the gear icon .
  4. Go to the Keypad Access Codes menu.
  5. Select the user from the list.
  6. Go to the Duress Code menu.
  7. Set the duress code. The code can contain from 4 to 6 digits.
  8. Click Done.
  9. Click Save to save your changes.

When using a duress code, the system users with access to the event feed will be notified about who and when entered the duress code, and the security company will be informed about the incident.


With OS Malevich 2.13.1 update, Ajax keypads support codes for users not connected to the hub. This is convenient, for example, to create a code for a cleaning company.

Access codes are not supported by the Hub (2G) Jeweller control panel.

To create an access code for a user without an account, in the Ajax app:

  1. Go to the Devices menu.
  2. Select the hub from the list.
  3. Go to its settings by clicking on the gear icon .
  4. Go to the Keypad Access Codes menu.
  5. Click Add Code. Set the username and access code. The code can contain from 4 to 6 digits.
  6. Click Add to save the data.


When using such a code, the system users with access to the event feed and the CMS will receive a notification about who exactly changed the security mode and when.


A personal access code is needed to manage the security modes of the system using Ajax keypads on behalf of the user.

Each user registered in the system can set a personal access code. To do this, in the Ajax app:

  1. Go to the Devices menu.
  2. Select the hub.
  3. Go to its settings by clicking on the gear icon .
  4. Open the Users menu.
  5. Find your account in the list and click on it.
  6. Go to Passcode Settings.
  7. Set a personal user code. The personal code can contain from 4 to 6 digits.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Back to save your settings.

For more information on managing security modes using personal access codes, check the keypads’ User Manuals on the Support website.


The identifier (ID) is the serial number of the device. It is located under the QR code on the body, board, and packaging of the device.

ID at the bottom of the box

ID under the lid

The ID can also be found in the device states in the Ajax app.

  1. Sign in to the Ajax app.
  2. Select the required hub from the list if you have several of them or if you are using a PRO app.
  3. Go to the Devices menu.
  4. Select a device from the list. Device ID information is located at the bottom of the status screen.

In the states of each Fibra device, you can see its loop (zone) number as well as number of the line to which it is connected. When using the Ring topology, you can see to which ring the device is connected.

If the device is added to the hub, for example, using Superior LineSupply (75 W) Fibra, you can see the module name and the output line number in the states.


The lines power test shows which devices and on which Fibra lines may have insufficient power supply.

If the power supply is insufficient, we cannot guarantee the stable operation of the security system.

Before installing wired devices, we recommend calculating the line length using an online calculator.

If a certain device is not getting enough power supply, you can:

  • Add devices to the hub through the Superior LineSupply Fibra module.
  • Connect devices that are not powered enough to another Fibra line.
  • Reduce the number of devices on the Fibra line that is not powered enough.
  • Replace high-power consuming devices with lower-power devices if facility configuration allows.

After any change in the device configuration at the facility, we recommend re-testing the lines power supply.


When installing Fibra devices, be sure to observe the polarity and order of the wires connected.


When installing devices near power cables, we recommend using a shielded cable to lay the Fibra wired line.


Fibra devices work on 24V⎓ voltage.

The minimum allowable voltage for Fibra devices to operate is 8 V⎓. Such a voltage may be at the end of a line to which many devices are connected.

If the voltage on a device is below 8V⎓, a fault counter will appear on that device, and the Voltage field in the device States will turn to red color.

Thus, we recommend that you perform a Lines Power Test after installing the devices to ensure that they work correctly.


You can install outdoors only the Superior StreetSiren Fibra and Superior StreetSiren DoubleDeck Fibra sirens.

All remaining Fibra devices are designed for indoor installation. Outdoor installation may cause malfunctions and false alarms.

If you need to connect third-party wired outdoor detectors to the Ajax system, use the MultiTransmitter Fibra or Superior Transmitter Fibra integration modules.

Detailed installation guidelines for each Fibra device are available in the User Manual for that device.


Ajax security system provides several tests to check the operation of wired devices.

Fibra Signal Strength Test checks the device signal strength and stability at the intended installation location.

Detection Zone Test checks how the device responds to alarms (the test is only available for Ajax security detectors).

Volume Level Test — checks the siren volume sound at the intended installation location (the test is only available for Ajax sirens).

Lines Power Test simulates the maximum possible power consumption of the system: detectors generate alarms, keypads are activated, sirens are turned on. If the system successfully passed the test, then all its wired devices will have enough power supply in any situation.

During the lines power test, connected wired sirens are activated.

We recommend that you perform all security system tests after installing the devices to ensure that they work correctly.


Fibra devices are connected to the hub using Beam (Radial wiring), Ring, and Tree topologies.

As depicted in the diagram, wired devices should be connected to the Fibra line sequentially, one after the other, without any branching.

Line branching and the Tree topology are only allowed when using Superior LineSplit Fibra.

The Ring topology is also available. If the line breaks, the devices will still be connected to the hub via the Beam (Radial wiring) connection, continuing to transmit events and alarms to the hub.

We recommend connecting devices using the Ring topology if possible. This improves the sabotage protection of the line.

Keep in mind, the output lines created when using Superior LineSplit Fibra or Superior LineProtect Fibra don’t support the Ring topology.

Learn more


The maximum length of a wired Fibra line is 2,000 meters.

The appropriate wired line length depends on the number and type of connected devices and the type of used cable.

Therefore, before installing wired devices, we recommend calculating the line length using an online calculator.

And after installing the devices, perform a Fibra Signal Strength Test and a Lines Power Test to make sure the system is working correctly.


The firmware version can be found in the device states in the Ajax app.

  1. Sign in to the Ajax app.
  2. Select the required space from the list if you have several of them or if you are using a PRO app.
  3. Go to the Devices menu.
  4. Select a device from the list. The firmware version information is located on the status screen at the bottom.

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