How does the hub operate without the Internet connection (without communication with the server)?


When the hub communication with the server fails (the Ajax logo lights red), the security system continues autonomous operation responding to all events, executing the enabled scripts, and activating the siren when applicable.

The events during the communication failure are recorded in the hub buffer and are delivered to the Ajax applications when communication with the server is restored.

The number of events stored in the hub buffer can be set in the hub settings. You can select from 100 (by default) to 1000 events in increments of 50 events. This feature is available for hubs with OS Malevich firmware version 2.25 and later (except for Hub (2G) Jeweller model). For hubs with firmware version up to OS Malevich 2.17, the buffer can contain no more than 130 events. Except for the Hub (2G) Jeweller, it can store up to 64 events.

Since the Ajax applications communicate with the hub via the server, you cannot operate the hub via applications in the case of Internet connection failure.

If the hub connection to cellular network is active, it continues calling and sending SMS to users — if these notification methods are enabled.

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