App for Apple Watch

On changing the security mode, raising panic alarms, and receiving push notifications


You can use an empty space for 180 days from the date the space was created or from the date the last device was deleted. After this period, an empty space will be deleted.

To avoid space configuration loss, the system sends a notification after 173 days from the date the space was created or from the date the last device was deleted.

The system will delete the empty space even if it is armed. The user can delete the empty space only when the system is disarmed. When the space is deleted (automatically or manually), its events are also deleted.


You can create and use a limited number of empty spaces. Ajax space is empty when no Ajax hub, Ajax camera, Ajax NVR video recorder, or Yale smart lock is added.

You can create and use:

  • 100 empty spaces as a user,
  • 1000 empty spaces as a PRO or a company.

If a space is empty, you cannot arm it or use the panic button in Ajax apps.

You can still create and use an unlimited number of spaces with devices.


With OS Malevich 2.9 update, when the panic button is pressed in the app, not only the event but also the smartphone coordinates are transmitted to the security company. System users can copy the coordinates from the events feed.

ajax mob app

The panic button is available in the space regardless of the hub presence.


Ajax mobile apps support:

  • Two-factor authentication
  • Рassword at the app launch with an option to add a fingerprint or face recognition
  • Account sessions management

Ajax PC app supports:

  • Two-factor authentication
  • Account sessions management

When hub loses the connection with the server, Ajax apps can notify the users using a standard push-notification sound or a siren sound (enabled by default).

To disable the siren sound when hub loses the connection with the server in the Ajax app:

  1. Go to Service settings of the hub (Device HubSettings Service).
  2. Select menu item Server Connection.
  3. Enable the option Receive events of server connection loss without alarm.
    ajax alarm

We would like to recommend you to activate SMS and calls in case of alarms. SMS and calls can be activated in User settings (Ajax app → Devices HubSettings Users → User Settings ).

    1. Click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the screen. Select Report a problem.

In the Ajax PRO app, the menu button is available only on the screen with the list of hubs linked to an account.

    1. Select the session from the list. The app stores log files of the last seven sessions. They are sorted by time, from most recent sessions to oldest.
    2. A window to describe the problem will open. Describe it in as much detail as possible, and click Next.
    3. Specify the exact time or period when the problem occurred. Click Next.
    4. A page to send an email will open with an attached log file and a description of the problem. If you took a screenshot or video screen capture showing the problem, attach it to your email. To do this, click on the text letter field, then click on the Gallery icon and select the file.
    1. Click on the blue arrow icon in the upper right corner of the screen to send the report.

The problem report is sent to [email protected] via the Mail app by default. To send a report, link or create at least one account in this app, if you have not done so earlier. Please do not change the email address for sending a problem report.

  1. Go to the Mail app. Check your Sent folder to make sure the report has been sent.

Our support team works 24/7/365. Once the request has been received and processed, the technical support team will respond to the email from which the request was sent.


The iOS app is available to download for free in the App Store.


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