Ajax media player: what it is for and how to use it

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The Ajax media player is a desktop tool for playing back videos downloaded from Ajax video devices and verifying their integrity with digital signature certificates.

System requirements

Computers with the following operating systems support the Ajax media player:

  • Windows 10 (64-bit) or later
  • macOS Catalina (version 10.15) or later

As the Ajax media player aims to verify the integrity of the downloaded video recording segments from Ajax video devices, such videos must have an Ajax digital signature. This signature is added to all video recordings exported from Ajax video devices with the following firmware versions:

Video device Firmware
NVR 2.244 or later
DomeCam Mini
2.309 or later
IndoorCam 2.279 or later
DoorBell 2.228 or later

Downloading and installing

The Ajax media player installation file can be downloaded here:

When the installation file is downloaded, install it on your computer according to the standard program installation flow.

Operating principle

The Ajax media player is a desktop program designed to verify the integrity of video recording segments downloaded from Ajax video devices. The player authenticates the file’s media and metadata and their identity, as well as shows the corresponding summary.

Moreover, the player allows users to play back the video, control the playback speed and audio, navigate the timeline, take a video frame screenshot, open video information, and more.

The Ajax media player supports only video recordings exported from Ajax video devices. If you try to open any third-party video recording, you will receive the corresponding error notification.

To verify the video downloaded from an Ajax video device:

    1. Open the Ajax media player on a computer.
    2. Click Upload video and select the required video recording file, or drag and drop the file onto the Ajax media player window.
    3. Once the video recording is added and processed, the player will show the verification status next to the file name:
      1. Verified. The integrity of the video recording is confirmed. The video segment is original; the footage was not altered.
      2. Tampered. The integrity of the video recording is compromised. The video segment is not original; the video file was altered.

The Ajax media player does not require user authentication. Anyone can install and run the player on any computer.

Control elements and tools

The following control elements, tools, and keyboard shortcuts are available in the Ajax media player:

Control element Keyboard shortcut Description

Space Play/pause a video.

<, > Move to the start/end of the video segment or the previous/next video segment.


←, → Rewind / fast forward a video by 5 seconds.

F Maximize/minimize the window.


Playback speed: 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x.

Default playback speed: 1x.


n/a Show clips of the video file. Each clip is labeled with the type of the detected event or recording. You can zoom the timeline in and out, navigate, and preview the video frame by hovering a cursor.

M Mute/unmute a video.

n/a Capture a screenshot of the current video frame.

n/a Open video information.

n/a Open the help window with links to useful information.

Need help?

In this section you’ll find detailed manuals and educational videos about all features of Ajax. And in case you need help of a technical specialist, we’re available 24/7.

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