How to configure a space


Space is a virtual entity where various autonomous devices are gathered on the same physical object. To create a space, the user does not need an Ajax hub. Devices are added to the system according to the facility’s needs.

Space compatibility

The space functionality is available for apps of such versions or later:

  • Ajax Security System 3.0 for iOS;
  • Ajax Security System 3.0 for Android;
  • Ajax PRO: Tool for Engineers 2.0 for iOS;
  • Ajax PRO: Tool for Engineers 2.0 for Android;
  • Ajax PRO Desktop 4.0 for macOS;
  • Ajax PRO Desktop 4.0 for Windows.

No firmware update is required.

Space settings

Settings can be changed in Ajax apps:

  1. Select the space if you have several of them or if you are using a PRO app.
  2. Go to the Control tab.
  3. Go to Settings by tapping the gear icon in the bottom right corner.
  4. Set the required parameters.
  5. Tap Back to save the new settings.

Allows setting up the main picture for the Ajax system. It is displayed in the space selection menu and helps to identify the required object.

Tap Edit in the upper right corner to change or set a picture.

The space name is displayed in the text of SMS and push notifications. Tap Edit in the upper right corner to change a name.

Allows configuring the object address, such as city, region, country, and postcode. With the address filled in, you can get additional features available in this region.

This category allows you to invite and delete users, edit their rights, and define how the system notifies users about events and alarms.

To change the settings for a specific user, tap their username in the list of active users.

User settings

Admin — selecting the level of access to the system management and configuring: admin or user.

Notifications settings — an admin or a PRO with the rights to configure the system can choose the events to inform about and how to notify users: through push notifications, SMS, or phone call.

Privacy settings management — when enabled, an admin or a PRO with rights to configure the system can control other users’ access to surveillance cameras and NVRs.


This setting allows you to grant access selectively to manage:

The Restoration after alarm setting allows selecting after which events the system can be restored by the user.

Delete user

This setting is used to remove the user from the space.

The category is available for users with the right to manage privacy settings. The settings apply to surveillance cameras and Ajax NVRs added to the system.

Allow photos on demand — when enabled, taking photos on demand is allowed for the whole system.


  • Users — setting up access levels and configuring all existing camera features, as well as taking and viewing photos on demand for system users.
  • Installers — setting up access levels and configuring all existing camera features, as well as taking and viewing photos on demand for professional installers.
  • Companies — setting up access levels and configuring all existing camera features, as well as taking and viewing photos on demand for monitoring and installation companies.

Allow photos by scenarios — when enabled, the automatic shooting in scenarios is allowed for motion detectors supporting the Photo on demand feature.

Scenario execution rules — with this setting, it is possible to specify whether the scenario execution depends on the security mode: when the system is armed or regardless of security mode.

Allows configuring reminders for arming/disarming the system when crossing a specified area. The user’s location is determined using the smartphone GPS module.

Group mode configuration. Groups combine system devices regardless of their physical location and make security management more convenient and flexible.

Allows creating and configuring video scenarios of the system.

Allows selecting the time zone in which the space operates. It is used for scenarios by schedule. Therefore, before creating scenarios, set the correct time zone.

Monitoring station

Settings for direct connection to the security company’s CMS. Parameters are set by security company engineers. Keep in mind that events and alarms can be sent to the security company’s CMS even without these settings.

Protocol — allows selecting the protocol used by the hub to send alarms to the security company’s CMS via a direct connection. Available protocols: Ajax Translator and SIA DC-09 (SIA-DCS).

Alarm channel — the channel that sends alarms and events to the CMS. We recommend using all communication channels simultaneously to increase transmission reliability and ensure protection against failures on the telecom operators’ side.

  • Ethernet
  • Cellular data

One IP address for all alarm channels — when enabled, the system sends alarms and events to the same IP addresses regardless of the channel type.

Primary IP address

  • IP address and Port are settings of the primary IP address and port of the security company’s server to which events and alarms are sent.

Secondary IP address

  • IP address and Port are settings of the secondary IP address and port of the security company server to which events and alarms are sent.

Monitoring station ping interval — allows configuring the period for sending test messages from 1 minute to 24 hours. The setting can also be disabled.

  • Connect on demand — enable this option if you need to connect to the CMS only when transmitting an event. If the option is disabled, the connection is maintained continuously. The option is available only for SIA protocol.
  • Object number — the number of an object (or a hub) in the monitoring station. The option is available only for SIA protocol.

Encryption — event transmission encryption settings in SIA protocol. AES 128-bit encryption is used.

  • Encryption — if enabled, events and alarms transmitted to the CMS in SIA format are encrypted.
  • Encryption key — encryption key of transmitted events and alarms. It must match the value on the CMS.

Send coordinates — if enabled, pressing a panic button in the app sends the coordinates of the device on which the app is installed to the CMS, and a panic button is pressed.

Alarm restoration on ARC

The setting allows you to select when the alarm restoration event will be sent to the CMS: immediately (upon detector restoration) or upon disarming.

The Send restoration code setting allows you to choose the moment the restoration event is sent to the CMS.

Send panic (hold-up) device restoration event — if enabled, the system sends the restoration event 3 seconds after the alarm is raised.

Your companies

List of security companies to which the object is connected.

Available companies

List of security companies in your area. The area is determined by the GPS data or the regional settings of your smartphone.

Installation company

The settings allow you to determine permissions granted to installation companies.

Private installers

Settings for PRO users — installers and representatives of security companies connected to the system.

The settings allow you to determine who has access to the system, what rights are granted to users, and how the system notifies them of events and alarms.

Opens the user manual in the Ajax app.

Allows you to delete the space.

After deleting the space, the hub added to the space will be reset to the factory settings. Users will lose access to the deleted space.

Allows you to leave the space while other system users can still use it.

Rooms in the Ajax app

The virtual rooms are used to group added devices. A user can create up to 50 rooms. If a hub is added to the space, the number of rooms is limited by the hub model specifications. Each device is located only in one room.

Before adding a device to a space, create at least one room.

Creating and configuring a room

To create a room in Ajax apps:

  1. Select the space if you have several of them or if you are using a PRO app.
  2. Go to the Rooms tab.
  3. Tap Add room.
  4. Assign a name to it. If possible, attach or take a picture of the room to make it easier to find in the list.
  5. Tap Add.

To delete a room or change its picture or name, go to the room Settings by tapping the gear icon .

Events and alarm notifications

After adding the space to the account, you become the admin of this space. The space can have up to 200 users, PRO users, and companies. If a hub is added to the space, the number of system users is limited by the hub model specifications. The space admin, PRO user with the rights to configure the system, or installation company can invite users to the system and determine their rights.

The system notifies users of events in three ways: through push notifications, SMS, and phone calls.

Event type For what it is used Types of notifications
  • Intrusion
  • Fire
  • Flood
  • Loss of connection between the hub and the Ajax Cloud server
  • Push notifications
  • SMS
  • Phone call
  • Loss of connection between the device and the hub
  • Jamming
  • Low battery charge in the device or hub
  • Masking
  • Tampering with the detector enclosure
  • Push notifications
  • SMS
Security state change
  • Arming/disarming entire premises or group
  • Turning on Night mode
  • Push notifications
  • SMS
System events
  • Hub updating
  • Ajax Cloud maintenance
  • Push notifications
  • SMS
Non-security alerts Changing of the air quality parameters:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • CO2
  • Push notifications
  • SMS
Automation devices Changing of the automation device state
  • Push notifications
  • SMS
Smart lock events
  • Locking/unlocking of the smart lock
  • Scenario execution
  • Push notifications

When the Chime feature is enabled and configured, the system does not notify users of opening detectors’ triggering in the disarmed mode. Only the sirens added to the system notify of the opening.

Connecting to the security company’s monitoring station

The list of companies connecting the Ajax system to the CMS is provided in the Security companies menu of the space settings.

Contact the company’s representatives providing services in your city and negotiate the connection.

Connection to the CMS is possible via SurGard (Contact ID), ADEMCO 685, SIA DC-09 (SIA-DCS), and other proprietary protocols. A complete list of supported protocols is available here.

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